Monday, October 31, 2016

Photoshop Battle #1: Spooky, Scary, Sparty?

Every few weeks, Capital Gains and Matty Gervais will be throwing down in a one-on-one Photoshop Battle based on reader suggestions.

The first Photoshop Battle of the season is now underway, and given the date, it has a Halloween twist to it. At the end of this post there's a link to a poll where you'll be able to vote for this week's winner.

Let's go!

Stranger Things

Thanks to @Victory4201 for the suggestion.

Daniel "Eleven" Alfredsson

It only makes sense for Alfie to dress as Eleven

Dustin Stone

After he's done stealing pucks he can steal some teeth


Gru Boucher with his Minion Tom Pyatt

Dzingle the Delivery Man

Dzingel's been delivering it all season


Thanks to @BonksMullet for the suggestion.

Sexy Sparty

A sexy costume you'd like to unsee

Sexy Borowiecki

Boro sticking true to his #brand

Classic Horror Films

Michael "Melnyk" Myers

The only thing Eugene will slashing this year is the team budget.

Widey Krueger

1, 2 Widey's coming for you


Curtis the Clown

Lazar "trying" to be a scary clown

Methot the Werewolf

At least this explains why he's always shirtless

End of Round One

This concludes the inaugural Photoshop Battle. Please be sure to vote for your favourites by clicking here and filling out the form. Happy Halloween!
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