Every few weeks, Capital Gains and Matty Gervais will be throwing down in a one-on-one Photoshop Battle based on reader suggestions.
The first Photoshop Battle of the season is now underway, and given the date, it has a Halloween twist to it. At the end of this post there's a link to a poll where you'll be able to vote for this week's winner.
Let's go!
Stranger Things
Thanks to
@Victory4201 for the suggestion.
Daniel "Eleven" Alfredsson
It only makes sense for Alfie to dress as Eleven |
Dustin Stone
After he's done stealing pucks he can steal some teeth |
Gru Boucher with his Minion Tom Pyatt
Dzingle the Delivery Man
Dzingel's been delivering it all season |
Thanks to
@BonksMullet for the suggestion.
Sexy Sparty
A sexy costume you'd like to unsee |
Sexy Borowiecki
Boro sticking true to his #brand |
Classic Horror Films
Michael "Melnyk" Myers
The only thing Eugene will slashing this year is the team budget. |
Widey Krueger
1, 2 Widey's coming for you |
Curtis the Clown
Lazar "trying" to be a scary clown |
Methot the Werewolf
At least this explains why he's always shirtless |
End of Round One
This concludes the inaugural Photoshop Battle. Please be sure to vote for your favourites by
clicking here and filling out the form. Happy Halloween!
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