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Phillips blasts media for criticizing "whoever it is they keep calling old and bad"

by Mike Wheeler

Chris Phillips airs his grievances with the media.

Ottawa Senators defenceman Chris Phillips confronted the local media on Tuesday regarding what he believes to be harsh and unfair portrayal of his teammates. "I think the way the media treats some of our players in this city is embarrassing. I think a lot of people should be ashamed of themselves. It's unfair to keep criticizing whoever it is that you keep calling 'old and bad.'"

"I haven't read any of these things myself - I don't have a computer - but I hear things, and it's not right." The veteran defenceman went on to explain that the Ottawa Senators are actually a pretty young team, "so unless these comments are directed at Neil or Legwand or something, I think it's pretty inaccurate."

Philips, still not getting it, continued, "I'm sick of the media just throwing around blanket statements and saying that the whole team has outstayed their welcome and are completely untradable despite secretly wanting to leave. Also, you guys keep saying this team can no longer effectively play defence in the National Hockey League, and it's just not true. It's just not fair to say that about, I assume, all of our players."

Feeling awkward and embarrassed, most of the media slowly wandered away. Phillips pressed on, "I've heard some things being said about an old, bad player who got a pretty generous contract - again, I missed who they were talking about - but I'm just fed up with it. And I can only assume it's about Chris Neil. Is it his fault we're winning? No. Did he build this team? No. Did he contribute to our recent success in any measurable way? No. But he tries his best and he is my friend, so I don't like it when you are mean to him."
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