Wednesday, September 10, 2014

For "Hire": Bloggers Wanted

by the Bonk's Mullet Staff

Hey folks!

It's been a huge summer for the hockey blogger community. A handful of the internet's best have been snatched up by NHL squads in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage for their clubs.

Lucky for Ottawa Senators fans everywhere, nobody from Bonk's Mullet was hired. Apparently making fart noises every time Bryan Murray said "Chris Neil" did not go over well in my interview.

Jealous of other blogs, we have decided to distance ourselves from the cesspool of middling hockey blogs to make a jump into the elite. As a result, we are looking to add more members to our extremely accomplished team. *Raises the 100 total page views banner to the rafters*

This is a call for Sens humourists. Our preference is for strong writing, but we're open to comics, videos, historical Patrick Lalime reenactments, or whatever content you can come up with. Our priority is and always has been "quality" Ottawa Senators humour, so that's the only limitation here. It's strongly encouraged that you're an active Twitter user because that's the only mode of communication we have with the outside world.

Your payment will come in the form of comradery and jokes made at your expense.

To apply, please send your contact info and one or two examples of content you'd like to produce to Please hand in your submission by September 21st. If you're submitting something written, keep it between 500 and 2000 words. That's not a strict requirement, but do enough to showcase your talents without killing me with length (That's what she said) (I retract my earlier statement about quality humor).

If you're just interested in writing a guest post or two, we're always open to reading whatever you've got.

As a disclaimer, it's not guaranteed we're going to add anyone, nor are we constraining ourselves to adding only one person. We're just looking for anyone who can bring our readers' smiles up to the Curtis Lazar level.

Happy writing!
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